My one-woman show gets an extended run at The Marsh Theater in San Francisco starting two months from today. I am very honored to have a chance to present my play to Bay Area audiences.
Following each show, I will be joined by various talkback guests (listed below). These thought leaders -- activists, lawyers, professors, writers -- will be discussing various subjects related to social justice, and answering questions. Grateful to live in a community where folks from all racial and ethnic backgrounds work side by side to tackle the most intractable problems that disproportionately affect marginalized communities.
Together. United. We are changing the world.
Closer to the dates of their appearances, I'll post more info about these guests.
Click here to purchase tickets.
Talkback Topics and Speakers
The Role of Art In Promoting Social Justice
Thursday, October 25, 2018 Showtime 8 pm
Rinku Sen, Maven, Author, Activist, Thinker and Doer (former Executive Director and Publisher of Colorlines)
How Technology Can Help Us Learn ‘Difficult’ Names
Saturday, October 27, 2018 Showtime 5 pm
Praveen Shanbhag, Founder of Name Coach (name-coach.com) software that enables individuals to record their names and append digital links to social media, email. Widely used by educational institutions.
Implicit (Unconscious) Bias, What It Is and How We Reduce the Impact of Our Biases
Thursday, November 1, 2018 Showtime 8 pm
Christopher Bridges, Attorney, Equal Justice Society and Victoria Plaut, Director, Culture, Diversity & Intergroup Relations Lab and Professor of Law and Social Science, UC Berkeley
Naming Your Baby: What’s the Law Got To Say About It?
Saturday, November 3, 2018 Showtime 5 pm
Carlton Larson, UC Davis Law Professor, and author of Naming Baby: The Constitutional Dimensions of Parental Naming Rights
Wherever There’s A Fight: How Runaway Slaves, Suffragists, Immigrants, Strikers & Poets Shaped Civil Liberties in California
(Heyday Books, winner of a Gold Medal in the 2010 California Book Awards)
Thursday, November 8, 2018 Showtime 8 pm
Elaine Elinson and Stan Yogi, authors of Wherever There’s A Fight
National Origin and Race Discrimination in Employment
Saturday, November 10, 2018 Showtime 5 pm
Bill Tamayo, District Director, (appearing in his individual capacity) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
MALDEF: 50 Years Fighting for the Civil Rights of the Latino Community
Thursday, November 15, 2018 Showtime 8 pm
Tom Saenz, President & General Counsel MALDEF
The Lawyer as Storyteller: Lawyers and Solo Performers
Saturday, November 17, 2018 Showtime 5 pm
Mark McGoldrick, a public defender, reflects on his life and the lives of his clients in his acclaimed solo play, The Golden Hammer
The School to Prison Pipeline: How to End It
Saturday, November 24, 2018 Showtime 5 pm
Jason Okonofua, Professor, Psychology Department UC Berkeley
Michael Harris, National Center for Youth Law
Gender Identity, Name Changes, and Preferred Pronoun Use
Thursday, November 29, 2018 Showtime 8 pm
Margarita Sánchez, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), immigrant rights activist
Stevie Campos-Seligman, college student and activist
Both guests prefer use of the pronouns they/them
Navigating Disability: Trump Era's Clarion Call for Advocates and Activists to Come Out of the (Inaccessible) Closet
Saturday, December 1, 2018 Showtime 5 pm
Ingrid Tischer, writer and disability rights activist, Development Director, DREDEF
Immigrant Rights in The Trump Era
Thursday, December 6, 2018 Showtime 8 pm
Bill Ong Hing, Founder, Immigrant Legal Resource Center and Law Professor USF
Karen Musalo, Executive Director, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, Hastings Law School
Lawyer Writers: People of Color Making An Impact Through Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry
Saturday, December 8, 2016 Showtime 5 pm
Sara Campos, poetry, short stories
Adam Smyer, author of novel, Knucklehead