About Me
Welcome to my online casa, where I share my thoughts about living in a multicultural world as we navigate moments of opportunity and discomfort. I am Irma (Ear-ma) Herrera. All of us affiliate and identify with groups based on different criteria: racial or ethnic identity, gender, socioeconomic class, trade or profession, taste in music, and where we went to school. And as night follows day, we quickly stereotype and make judgments about others based on these criteria. ​
My multiple identities are indivisible. At all times, I am all of these: Chicana, Latina, madre, lawyer, playwright, writer, stand-up comic, feminist, world-traveler, avid hiker.
Check out my blog where I’ll muse, rant, throw shade, and celebrate the beauty and goodness that surrounds us, mainly though words, but sometimes only a picture can tell the story.
Bienvenidos y adelante.